Wednesday 5 April 2017

CCR for Preliminary Task 1

The Final Delivery


Question 1

Question 2

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Question 3

Question 3 by James Murray

Question 4

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

There was a problem with the audio as there was a buzzing sound that could be heard  in the background of some shots. One shot that had this problem was the one were the boss was tapping. I missed the buzzing on the day and I had to use the tool Denoiser to fix this while editing. This tool allowed me to cut out the background noises while still keeping the tapping.

I wanted to make it more obvious that a gun had been fired and that it wasn't just a balloon popping. I found the tool "flash" which allowed me to cover the whole screen in one colour. By doing this sudden colour people naturally blink, achieving the sudden effect that I had been desiring.

To help with the gunfire I also added a real gun shooting over top of the recorded audio to give a jump fright and to create sudden tension within the viewer. It also aided the "flash" tool as it matched this choice and furthered the suspense being created.

I also overlapped text on the screen to use as credits to the filming crew. I didn't want plain text on all the actors so I tried to give each actor there own unique text that matched the role they were playing. This is why Walters text was very plain in comparison to the fancy text given to the boss. I also wanted to have formal credits at the end to honour the hard work of my classmates which is why I use the formal text at the end

There was also the problem with the lighting at the start in which the colour of it is warm instead of the blue light which is the intended colour of light for Walter. To fix this I used the tool "tint" which allowed me to mask the whole screen in a blue haze to get the desired colour choice on Walter.

As it was my first time being the audio mixer I had made some silly mistakes with the volume levels of the machine and made some areas really loud and others to quiet. I luckily found the solution to this problem by using the "audio lever adjuster" to raise and lower the volume when necessary. This allowed me to cut out some background noises when no one was talking and raise noises like the boss tapping so that the audio seemed natural.

I had also added music into the film in order to try and raise the suspense being created by the plot. On reflection, however I see that this might not have been the wisest choice as a backing track as it turns the film into an action thriller instead of the crime thriller we had intended to make.

Techno Terror