Wednesday 22 February 2017

Opening sequences

Opening sequences


The purpose of an opening sequence is to introduce the main aspects of the movie. This could be done as introducing the character(s) and/or the setting and the time period in which it takes place. It can also introduce the stars acting in the movie (usually the main characters) though they aren’t always mentioned at the start. This is done in order to inform you of who plays a role in the movie. It also introduces the movie production companies and the movie brand that created it, done in order to inform you of who made the movie. 

Difference between an Opening Sequence and Title Sequence

The difference between an opening sequence and a title sequence is the images/videos shown in them. While an opening sequence will show exactly what the movie is about and the characters in it, a title sequence will have figuratively shown you images and scenes. To clarify this it will show you videos that symbolise what will happen in the movie or key themes that will appear though these videos aren’t actually related any further.


Some of the different techniques used in an opening sequence includes graphic overlay of text or pictures overlapping an action shot or moving shot placed behind.  Nondiegitic audio soundtracks are also used in which either music that creates a specific mood that matches the video shown or a voice over by a main character  is used to give the scene a feeling that it is from their perspective.

Thriller Movies

Image result for north by northwest poster with url    

In both of these movies the logo of the movie brand is the first thing to appear on screen, though in Nancy Drew's movie their logo is on a black background  where as North  by Northwest's background is green. This was done to create a fluent transition from the logo going immediately into the opening sequence without it looking like a jump cut. The music used in both of these openings are both very different too, in North by Northwest the music seems to be played by an orchestra as the instruments played are from that style. The tune of the song played is also very dramatic as it slowly builds up and crates a sense of danger and excitement. This contrasts to the music choice of Nancy Drew in which it sounds as if only an acoustic guitar is used. This still creates tension though due to the pictures shown with it and the diegitic sound (e.g thunder) overlapping the music. The text used is also different as the text in Nancy Drew is done in normal text and is still and precise, contrasting sharply to the blocky and shaky movement of the text in North by Northwest. These specific styles work in creating the desired effect in each film. Nancy Drew, as a character, is neat and tidy the text used reflects her character and gives us insight into who she is. North by Northwest has used their text to create a moving effect that almost seems blurry reflecting how the plot of the movie is also blurry as to what is happening to the main character and the bad guys. Both movies include scene shots that set up where the movie is taking place. In Nancy Drew it is an office with two people (most likely bad guys) searching it and her hiding in a closet in the room. The setting in North by Northwest is a city that is very busy and would be  pictured by most as the Big Apple. It also shows you a reflection of a building that you later learn is where the main character works and brings focus to this 

1 comment:

  1. James –

    Difference- Opening CREDITS and Title Sequence:
    • The key here is that you got a word in the question wrong; look at the blog.
    • A Title Sequence is when the opening credits (list of key creative roles) is separate from the main action of the film. The opening credits themselves are generally nothing more than text superimposed on a black background.

    • Could expand this section. Feels pretty brief.

    Thriller movies:
    • What do you mean by ‘logo’? It sounds like you mean the graphic of the title. A logo is something else.
    • Good awareness of transition from Title Sequence to film for North by Northwest. What is the effect of this technical choice?
    • Could develop the contrast between non-diegetic tracks; what is the effect of a single acoustic guitar vs that of a full orchestra?
    • Explanation of text for North by Northwest needs further explanation. “The movie is blurry” is, ironically, a very vague and obscure comment to make.
    • What type of ‘scene shots’ do the movies use to setup where the movie is taking place? What is the effect? You’ve described some of the mise-en-scène (without referring to it as such) but have not discussed shot sizes and framing.
    • Very plot-focused; look at the technical elements each movie employed, and contrast THOSE!
    • You tried to contrast both in one section; you may find it more effective to treat each movie separately, and then contrast them.

    OVERALL: 9/20

    Be more detailed and specific. Put in art terms, you’re thinking in broad strokes – you need to use a finer brush! Always always ALWAYS focus on technical elements and their effects. Currently, ability to undertake and apply research is limited. Application of knowledge and understanding to show how meanings are created in media products is satisfactory. That said, it needs to be developed.

    - T. Marcus


Techno Terror