Sunday 19 March 2017

Work for Preliminary Task 1

Props and Costumes - James, Jackson Doudney, Jackson Veal

The Boss' Costume

Pocket Watch - Jaeden

We included the use of the pocket watch as to add a superior attitude to the boss and the theme of time. As it is in one of the starting and the closing scenes we wanted it to be a symbol that would be related to the boss,  because of this we decided to use a black pocket watch with gold insides. This makes us feel as if he is wealthy as he is shrouded by darkness like the watch so he must have this gold that is present in the watch to. The ending is also symbolic as the closing of the watch symbolises the other characters time ending.

Sun Glasses - James

we decided to include this character wearing glasses as it makes him seem colder an harsh. This is done from the lack of eye contact which people use to see how other people feel. the fact that they are mirrored also help this as we get the feeling that we are constricted to that small space and are helpless to do anything.

Woollen Jacket - Teacher Marcus

We decided to use a coat on the boss to continue the feeling of darkness and mystery around him giving him foreboding atmosphere. It also strengthens the ideal of him being wealthy as it continues to give him the feeling the pocket watch gave. A sense of coldness and roughness is also created from the jacket as it is associated with these in common movies and books.

Fedora - Teacher Marcus

While the multicoloured side of it wasn't originally intended to provide an effect it does give the character a more elegant and sophisticated side to him. This was the reason a fedora was chosen to be worn as it not only hid him but it matched the idea of the pocket watch. This kept him in theme and added to his character.

Black Jeans and Shoes - Teacher Marcus

We chose these coloured jeans and shoes as they are going to be semi hidden by the table. As we didn't want to take away the attention of viewers by having exuberant jeans and shoes this colour choice worked best. It won't grab attention and will blend into the background adding this sense of mystery.


The only other notice in relation to this character is his black top ( though briefcase is talked about later). In order to give our actor more comfort as he is wearing hot clothes in a hot room we wanted them to wear undergarments that would help keep them cool.

Walter's Costume

La Kings Jacket - James

While the team had nothing to do with the choice of it, the main reason it was used was for its colour scheme. As it is almost fully black with only a little grey on it it gives the character a sense of simpleness with a slight edge of sophistication. It also gives him a sense of fear as he seems to hide in it and let it conceal him. This is symbolic of how he tries to hide yet can't and he ultimately pays the price for it.

Black Boots - Joseph

As the boots are part of the first shot we wanted to have ones that stood out yet also fitted in with the theme. These army like boots were perfect as they seemed to give him a sense of toughness and danger, yet they didn't match the movement he made which showed fear. This gave the quality of his character as well as the look he was supposed to have.

School Pants - Joseph

These pants were chosen to continue the theme of the jacket. It is basically used for the same reason as the jeans and the shoes in the bosses costume


Same as before, undergarments to help keep the actor comfortable.


Briefcase - Jacko

It is symbolic of mystery and importance as it is constantly shown and is highlighted by the shots used on it. A black one was chosen to continue the hidden wealth idea from the pocket watch and to give it that professional, crisp look which matches the bosses feel.

Gun - Jacko

We decided a black gun would allow it to realistically be hidden and unnoticed by Walter when he walked in and is symbolic of death. (Spray painted black by Jackson Doudney ).

Swivel Chair and chair - teacher Caroline

Walter was given a swivel chair as it allows him to act afraid easier and symbolises Walter as he is shaky and unfaithful. A sturdy chair was given to the boss to symbolise his sting and hard side which contrasts strongly to Walters.

Table - library

A simple table was decided to be used as it wouldn't draw attention away from the basic plot and story.

Storyboard - James, Jackson Doudney, Jackson Veal

Jackson Doudney was the main contributor to the storyboard though I did help with some of the drawings and both me and Jackson Veal did help come up with ideas .

1 comment:

  1. James –

    Costumes –
    Why are there names next to each item? For example, Jaeden wasn’t in our shoot, so Cambridge will be wondering who that is.

    Spacing on costume items needs adjustment. After every paragraph, have a blank line so it’s visually separated. In fact, my first time reading it, I didn’t even see that these entries were separated by character! Think about presentation.

    Some items don’t have a picture because you didn’t get one on the day. Get one – you have the Interwebs; find something that gives the general idea. Think about presentation!

    Woollen Jacket entry – Final line “…associated with these in common movies and books” should mention typical genres where this costume shows up, rather than being generically categorised under ‘common movies and books’.

    All up, stay focused on codes and conventions that indicate the genre you were going for.

    Storyboard entry is too vague. Make sure you mention some of the ideas you contributed to the storyboard, particularly if they made any kind of difference in shot / feel.

    OVERALL: 11/20

    Pretty strong awareness of symbol, yet needs to demonstrate awareness of technical elements, codes and conventions that are typical of the genre you were going for (i.e., could have mentioned something around that for the gun entry).

    - T. Marcus


Techno Terror