Tuesday 9 May 2017

CCR for PT2: Sole Survivor

CCR for PT2: Sole Survivor

Q1: How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues.

In our film sole survivor we have made a scenario in which Eric believes that he is the last man on Earth but is then confronted by Samael who ends up trying to kill him.

To achieve this we followed basic conventions that are expected in a thriller and that raise suspense. The most obvious examples of these are our weapon choices that Samael uses. He first uses a gun in an attempt to shoot Eric, this distances him from the killing and gives the sense that it is less personal to him. As he misses and has no other bullets he is forced to use a knife an attempts to stab Eric and succeeds at doing so. By doing so he positions himself closer to the pain and makes it seem more personal giving the idea that this is a major thing in his life. while both are acceptable weapons in creating suspense a knife seems more realistic in this scenario and might have made the film better if it was the only weapon.

We also broke the 180 Degree rule during the scene were Eric drags Samael outside. By doing this we were able to add a sense of confusion and panic to the scene which reflects the emotion of both characters at this point of time. It also gave better angles for the scene and allowed the audience to be positioned as a spectator and be distanced from the death while still being present.

They final strong convention we used was the voice over done by Eric both at the start and end of the film. We did this in order to fill in the details that were missing otherwise to the audience and to give the history as to why he is the,"sole survivor". it also made Eric seem more open to the audience as they are hearing his thoughts and gives the impression that he isn't hiding anything from them unlike Samael who is.

The main social issue that we explore is,"brotherhood and betrayal", as a divergent off of the representational group of,"love". This is shown in are film by Samael who at fist seems like a fine guy up until the twist were we discover that he is a psychopath who wants to kill Eric. Though this is a very dramatic way of showing it, it is a problem in modern society that is common family's apart as everyone seems suspicious of someone else planning to do something. Though this is often just a sibling planning a prank it is something that causes hate and mistrust when taken to far.

Q2: How does your product engage with the audience and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Q3: How did your production skills develop throughout the project?

Q4: How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware and online - in this project?

1 comment:

  1. James –

    OVERALL: 42/50

    Very good staying focused on the point of each question to discuss how relevant technical elements combined to create meaning.

    Well done. Now work on ensuring the blog layout is easily accessible to match your high quality responses and creativity.

    Could include more visuals. This is a lot of text.

    Good consideration of breaking 180-degree rule, and of voice-over.

    Final paragraph has some deep observations, yet sentence structure needs development to be effective.

    It would be great if the full-screen button worked.

    Good sections on audio & visual.
    Advertisements section could consider further options.
    Distribution should definitely consider more options than one, even if the one option is YouTube.

    Love it.

    Could use some visuals, though the content is strong and gets to the point.

    T. Marcus


Techno Terror