Monday 22 May 2017

Credit Sequence for Techno Terror (FP)

Credit Sequence:

For the opening credits we wanted to have them be symbolic and fit with the theme. We came up with this idea as we believed we could incorporate it and have Jim "design" them during the flashback. We intended for it to be done on white paper and have a clean look that fits in with Jim's character.

After consideration we decided to go with the block font as it gave a nice edge and have the details coming off of the drawings be done in normal text. After a talk with our teacher though we realised that the credits weren't symbolic enough and wouldn't fit in with the scene as much as we had hoped it would.

Due to this we realised that him drawing on blueprint paper would fit in better as it goes with his creative side and shows that he is serious about them. It also give the drawings a crisper and cleaner edge making them look more appealing and fit in with our desired theme. We also realised that doing the text in this style fits in better and gives the shots a more sophisticated edge to them and the realistic side that we wanted to follow.

Here I have included some robot blueprints that show the type of ones we would create to display ours.

As we continued with the pre-production I discovered that the original way that I intended making them with blue paper and twink for the lines turned out to look unrealistic. I then started to look online for a better way of making blueprints and in doing so I discovered that blueprints are created in order to make multiple copies of the same design by copying  the original paper. As there would have been no way for Jim to make these in the classroom we decided that it would be best if we had him just draw on paper.

The camera movement for this sequence is also key as we want it to go at the perfect speed to show the blueprints without losing the audiences attention. We also need to make it look natural as if you are simply looking at them in real life. Due to this I believe that the sequence will be about ten seconds long with the paper in a quickly placed done way that is long enough though to be legible. To make it easy to read we will include block letters over top to highlight the words.

Here are the picture details of the final copy of credits which we all agree fitted really well with the film and didn't look like it was simply attached on afterwards.

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Techno Terror